October 15, 2013

Now live on Lightspeed!

"Trouble Leaves a Scent Trail," my short story about an alien cop on a most unusual case, is now online for your reading pleasure in Lightspeed Magazine.

There's also an Author Spotlight by Patrick J. Stephens in which he interviews me about the writing of the story and brings out some backstage details about how it was inspired.

Read the story online
(To purchase an ebook version of the issue or to treat yourself to a subscription, just click on the Purchase/Subscribe button.)


What makes the story so much fun is Cooper's richly imagined insect world: where new models of clones are tested in society, and subject to recall if found defective; and where communication and navigation are conducted primarily by scent. --Bluejack, Internet Review of Science Fiction, 4/05

...The fact that the main character is a big bug that would give the Incredible Hulk feelings of physical inadequacy appeals to the inner 8-year-old-boy. Crunch! Crack! Squish! --Paul Iutzi, Tangent 5/3/05