Trouble Leaves a Scent Trail

"Trouble Leaves a Scent Trail" is the tale of an alien cop with a very significant case. It asks the question: what kinds of crimes could happen in a hive society?

What makes the story so much fun is Cooper's richly imagined insect world: where new models of clones are tested in society, and subject to recall if found defective; and where communication and navigation are conducted primarily by scent. --Bluejack, Internet Review of Science Fiction, 4/05

...The fact that the main character is a big bug that would give the Incredible Hulk feelings of physical inadequacy appeals to the inner 8-year-old-boy. Crunch! Crack! Squish! --Paul Iutzi, Tangent 5/3/05


Reprinted in two Best Of anthologies
Nominated for the Fountain Award

Published in:

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #17, February/March 2005.
ASIM: Best of SF (anthology.)
Best of the Rest 4: The Best Unknown Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2005.
Lightspeed Magazine, October 2013.